Monday, March 9, 2009


This shirt Plus these sequins
Equals this DIY

I decided to go with the sequins for my shirt because I just wouldn't be me if I didn't. Shock of all shock, my mother actually said she liked my shirt. She thought I had just bought it. Incredibly surprising because we pretty much have opposite fashion tastes.
I was looking at a picture of myself a few years ago, and it made me long for my natural hair colour. So, even though I had already bought a box of dye to touch up my roots, I decided to go with a darker blonde instead. I may regret this in the morning, but I have the other box if I change my mind.

- Ellie

1 comment:

Brittany Leigh-Ann Baker said...

Hey, Thanks for the compliment on my blog :) I really like what you did to the shirt it is very cute ! <3

-Brittany :)